Safely Storing Car Tyres

Tyres are one of the important parts of vehicles, and they are important in many sectors of the economy especially vehicle drivers, tire sellers, and workers in maintenance, installation and replacement tires, in how to handle and maintain them. So, how to store and maintain car tyres in shops, how do you fit them in racks for tyres, how do you deal with them in your warehouses, etc.? Read this article to find out.

The Importance of Proper Car Tyre Storage?

The proper storage method is the first step in the process of maintaining the quality of the tyres and preventing it from being damaged and decayed. While driving, a sudden puncture or blowout of the tyre contributes to many accidents

Of course, the factors contributing to sudden punctures or blowouts are complex, and you can’t prevent it completely through proper car storage - it includes those related to the frame and the end of the tyres’ lifespan, another factor is carelessness and negligence on the part of the vehicle driver, and the quality of the roads certainly play a part. Nevertheless, the conditions in which tyres are stored probably plays the most significant role.

Just as foodstuffs, medicines, and all goods that are affected by storage conditions and need to be stored according to certain regulations and laws, tyres are the same. Some governments, state legislators and even tyre manufacturers issue clear guidelines and warehouse requirements needed to store Tyres safely. They need to be fully implemented in warehouses and stores that maintain and sell tyres to ensure safety and quality. 

Perfect Conditions to Store Tyres?

The type of storage required for tyres and what you typically see in warehouses can be vastly different - not a lot of people care about the safety of the tyres they provide. That’s why it falls to you to do your research and learn proper safety procedures and conditions. 

The warehouse or the storage place needs to be dry with good ventilation; the tyres should not be exposed to direct sunlight, wind, rain or lighting with high intensity; Storage temperature should not exceed 35 ° C. No chemical solvents, fuel, lubricating oils, acids, gases, fumes or batteries are allowed in or near the storage site.

In the case of long-term storage (more than four weeks), the tyres should be placed vertically provided that the height of the stand above the ground is not less than 10 cm, and it is preferable to rotate it at least once every month. You should make sure that the tyres do not fall under the influence of pressure or tension that leads to permanent cutting or deformation of the exterior. 

What Other Things to Keep in Mind Beside Storage Conditions? 

Although storage conditions are the right start to preserve the tyre, there are other procedures that contribute to and help with preserving the tyres during storage and transportation.

Through the process of direct and periodic inspection of the tyres by an expert, you can ensure the depth of the tyre treads is suitable, check how eroded the surface rubber layer is, the appearance of the inner fabric (the inner wire) is alright, and that there are no appearances of cracks or deep cutting on the sides of the tyres that might result in real harm.